Planos de Acciones Trinidad



quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

The Program of Rotary Club Visits comes to an ending stage

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

We are thankful for such great times we have had in visiting your dynamic clubs all over our State of Bahia Brazil.

We have driven over nine thousand miles and flown over the same amount in order to reach you all. Sometimes we were tired but the dynamism and hospitality you strengthened us as though we had Superman`s Superpowers, both Teresa and me.

We did take with your kind help more than ten thousand photographs. And many a photo was put in our various publication spots, the site, the blogs, the Facebook and the various publications made by proud Rotary Clubs.

Here are some closing remarks:

1. WE need to get our wives and more girls into Rotary to make it similar to humanity - a fifty fifty no majority of genders society. These ladies are quite more opened to the feelings and reasonings of younger chaps and we need them in if we think Rotary in a longer span of time. WE neglected including youngsters because we neglected being young. In order to have younger generations we first have to become younger and more dynamic ourselves and thus our good points can be passed on to the new leaders and professionals in an ever mutually learning process - cooperation is the kew word and innovation her sister.

2. WE need to use our novelty the Rotary District Club (two for each district) and the novelty is not only that they both will be Internet Clubs - actually the good news is that they will be DISTRICT REGIONAL and GLOBAL clubs. That will allow us to register in newcomers in smaller contexts and villages who can gather fortnightly or even less in actual presence and do the rest of fellowship communications by the Facebook, E-mail, Twitter and Blogs just like all other clubs will be doing to keep up Rotary thrills. Small clubs may not be able to run smoothly the necessary bureaucracy RI asks us for, but the district will certainly have to take on that burden, if the good district service is what we are after.

3. At first we thought we had to search after humanitarian projects as Tappan and his burro had one day peddled after gold nuggets in the Old West of America. Not at all: all clubs had their projects in plans, some in designs and the only obstacle was translating that into the Rotary Foundation "language"and into English (easier) and FINDING A PARTNER in the overseas districts and clubs.

But our Ex-GSE leader John Neely from Savannah Georgia wrote us a letter asking for projects and that gave us the idea that the best way to go was to contact ALL our previous GSE leaders and members asking them for their help (they all knew in a certain way the various needy communities) in contacting their Rotary Clubs after a cooperation effort in Matching Funds from the District Designated Fund of the Rotary Foundation. And so, fortunately we have about twenty projects in partnership being studied and some already signed with Georgia (GSE), South Korea(GSE), Sweden(YEP), France(GSE and YEP), Colorado (GSE), Minnesota (GSE and YEP), Rochester-NY (2011-2012 Milt Mathews Governors Exchange Program), Wisconsin, Texas, Florida and Boston.

4. And the new generations potentials were great: Rotary KIds is a clue to integrate grampas and gramas as well as daddys and moms in fellowship activities focused on their children - and what good prospective leaders they are when they take the microphones.

An Interact at Each School i another powerful fellowship steering program. Contests in schools for essays on Fellowship Yes and Violence and Drugs No as a program has revealed that all will benefit from improvement of felowship, much in the Rotary style.

Rotaracts are more tied to Rotary Clubs and are giving a lot of help.

All in all the Rotary Clubs who sponsor Rotaract. Interact, YEP and Rotary Kids improve and grow. The one who do not fall.

Likewise, the Rotary Clubs who have good humanitarian promotions grow and the ones who do not fall
Here are some photographs taken during Rotary Visits.

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