Planos de Acciones Trinidad



quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012


Dear Friends in Rotary
One million two hundred thousand of us and twice as many family and friends of ours have motivations to celebrate today the anniversary of 107 years of Rotary International, and the list of valuable contributions for peace, human health and poverty alleviation and better lives to all would not fit in the memory of this computer, but it can be felt by all of us with pride: Rotarians are worthy people and the World needs us and our actions.

We celebrate Rotary every day, but early today our fellows of the Rotary Global History Fellowship Association suggested to me doing something special.

I did open my Rotary Diary Armed and started writing something to reflect and possibly share with
friends about the Public Image of Rotary, something so fashionable, nowadays.

The 107th Anniversary of Rotary is not only ta set of numbers it is a history of many serving as a global entity.
It is greatly the anniversary of Rotarians, who take turns one generation to another, receiving their calling and spreading their ideal of service before self, solid principles and values, and putting them into practice under strictly voluntary initiatives and charities. The majority of times we hot the targets. Some other times we learn from erring and try again and again. A

And here we are confident towards Rotarians living through 107 more years in a world of change, a challenge to all of us, to REACH WITHIN AND EMBRACE THE WORLD, continuing on to PEACE THROUGH SERVICE, all of them nice motivational corollaries of SERVICE BEFORE SELF.

On our routes for being of service, it is important that we do not try to do for mankind the things it can do for itself, yet that we try to do things that are not done, or things that should be done better and the lack of participation or quality imply bad social performances in priority areas.
The adequate attitude is that of the educator who also educates himself or herself together: there si no better way for learning than working and making something happen, together.

The making public of our plans and intents is then crucial, before the process is resumed, so that partners and beneficiaries know what it is up to them to engage themselves. During the actions, publicizing is a must, so that more and more partners and beneficiaries come forward and cooperate, also with suggestions to correct
our errors, wrong directives or methods. Likewise, after the action is done and impacts promoted, publicizing Rotarians’ actions and sometimes celebrating them, is also important for the public image we want to have as
change agents, who develop, in a broader sense, life with sustainability. Hence, after disclosure will enable the transparent evaluation of impacts, and it often implies more commitments and challenges to Rotarians. Publicizing is thus intended to widen our scopes, never to vainglories from our good doings.

War, maladies, hunger, illiteracy, misery make the social debt of civilization very large, and the more Rotarians do for alleviating the balance is still beyond our reach, alone.

Writing for the public is a daring and risky project. Writing for Rotarian friends a safer process. Congratulations to all of us for the 107 years. It is a motive of pride to be a Rotarian. It is a duty to say to all people how good it is to serve and have so many friends all over.

On risk, let me quote the words of a Rotarian to be writer Sebastião Nery, born in Jaguaquara, Bahia: “I was quite young when I learned that happiness and beauty are daughters of risk. When one leads the way, one risks finding wild bests ahead. But it is the leader`s step that will motivate a colorful ballet of butterflies.”

Tomorrow we will meet in Brasilia in the House of the Senate of Brazil, for a tribute to the one million and two hundred thousand Rotarians who think the world can be made better to all.

Durval and Teresa
District 4550

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